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By the numbers: Lehi and Utah County COVID-19 cases and death totals



LEHI, Utah – With the worst of COVID-19 hopefully behind us, how has Lehi fared in terms of cases, deaths, and other public health measures? The Utah County Department of Health has an interactive dashboard available to the public that provides daily updated data on COVID-19 cases, deaths and other information.


As of April 26, nearly half a million Utah County people have been tested (499,542). According to the Utah County Department of Health (UCDH), Utah County has 633,582 people. Nearly 79% of the County tested for the virus at some point between March 2020 and today.

January 13, 2021 was the day the most tests were administered in the County. Nearly 5,000 tests were given (4,970) on that day.


There have been 94,950 cases of COVID-19 recorded in Utah County as of April 26, 2021. That number does not include cases from individuals who didn’t confirm their positive diagnoses with doctors, clinics, or other medical professionals. Nearly half of all the recorded cases in the County occurred in Provo (15,960), Orem (12,534), or Lehi (8,344), Utah County’s three most populous cities.

The age group with the highest number of confirmed cases was 20-29, with 21 648 cases, the next highest group were 10-19 years old, with 16,560 cases.

The age groups hospitalized most were in the 50-59 (116) and 60-69 (115) age groups.

City Case Counts:

Provo makes up 10% of the County’s population but has had 20.13% of the cases. Orem has 8.46% of the population but had 15.81% of the cases. Lehi has 6.03% of the total population in the County, but so far has had 10.52% of the cases. Part of the larger case counts in more populated areas may be because group homes and care centers are located in those cities. In Provo alone, there were 158 group housing cases.

The three cities with the highest case rates per capita in order were: 1. Provo 2. Orem, and 3. Spanish Fork.

On April 26, 2021, there were 65 active (currently positive) cases in Lehi.


So far, 376 deaths have occurred in Utah County. Males comprised more than half of those deaths, at 60%, or 224 deaths, compared to 40% females, or 152 deaths. Those who were over 70 years old comprised 64% or 240 of the total deaths.

Lehi, with 6.0% of the County population has 9.8% of total county deaths (37 deaths).

One would expect that a city with 5% of the county population would hypothetically have 5% of COVID-19 deaths. Several Utah County cities had higher death rates than their population would suggest.

The Utah County cities with unusually high death rates compared to population totals were:

1. Payson, 1.8% of the county population, 6.9% of total county deaths (26 deaths)

2. Lindon, less than 1% of the county population, 3.2% of total county deaths (12 deaths)

3. American Fork, 2.9% population, 8.5% of total county deaths (32 deaths)


