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Man arrested for breaking through a window into Church in Provo 



Provo, Utah— On Friday, the Provo police responded to a call for a suspicious activity at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day at 1200 South 500 West, when the church members found a broken window and cards belonging to a Marinda Smith, that she probably lost during the break in.

Reportedly, the officers were already searching for Marinda Smith and Jordan Forbes, who committed criminal trespass earlier that day at 1095 South and 500 West.

Then the two suspects were arrested when they tried trespassing once again at 1095 South and 500 West.

Reportedly, Forbes broke the window at the church, so they could enter inside. Both of them admitted to entering the church and trespassing on other property the same day.

Court documents state, “When informed that they were going to jail, Smith stated that she had swallowed 400 pills an hour ago and Forbes stated that he swallowed balloons of meth and heroine. Paramedics responded to assess them.”

While they were on their way to the hospital, Forbes admitted that he lied about swallowing the drugs and the reason for that would to avoid going to jail.

Forbes was transferred to the Utah County Jail for alleged charges of criminal mischief, interference with a peace officer, and two counts of criminal trespass.

